Your Life Encouraged

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Shedding the Unnecessary Weight

As I was approaching the big 4-0 a couple of months ago, deep down inside I knew there was some unnecessary weight that needed shedding. I knew after my yearly checkup earlier this year, I had some huge decisions to make when it came to my overall health and well-being. I was a little over a year into grieving the loss of my dad and being at least 10 lbs heavier than the year before. Not to mention having borderline high cholesterol that I almost need to start meds for. I could either start the meds now or try to change my lifestyle/lose weight. I chose the latter 🤷🏽‍♀️

This is me, 29 days before my birthday and a day before an intense cleansing would begin. It's my brave face that fails to show the dread increasingly growing in the pits of my being for this really hard process would begin the next day. She's grateful to her future self but still dreading the process.

For 21 days, life would consist of strictly clean eating, daily supplements 3x/day, drinking a million gallons of mineralized distilled waterand, a gazillion trips to the grocery store and the bathroom as well at all hours of the day.

This would be the 2nd time my hubby and I would do this program together. It's a great way to add some challenge to your marriage, that's for sure 😏. The last time we did this and 7 or 8 years ago, we both lost about 15 lbs each. So we were ready to dive in and aim for similar results.

The first week breezed by with about 5 lbs melted away. I was super proud that we made it to week 2 but also still dreading 14 more days to go 🥴

I know one thing for sure, tempeh is still nasty and will always be 🤢 We make it through week 2 work another 4 lbs down for me. I had a feeling I wouldn't hit the 15 I lost the first time but I also know my body was different so many years later. However, I was super pleased with my change in inches & what the pictures showed 2 weeks in.

Week 3 was tougher than I remember before. I was so over cooking & preparing for EVERY. Single. Day. 😫 But we kept pushing. We made it to the end about a week before my birthday. I lost a total of 10 pounds, and get this, TWELVE inches overall! 🙌🏽

Knowing the program was over, it was time to decide what would happen next to help keep the results I achieved. My main goal was to maintain with the hopes of losing some more weight with time. I still need to get back into working out buy in getting there. Walking a few times a week is where it's at for now.

My primary focus has been being mindful of what I eat, who I spend time with, and what I give my attention to. I also started consistently drinking Bellame's BeFit meal replacement shake since finishing the program. At first it aided greatly in maintaining my weight. However, today I took my measurements and have found I lost another 3 lbs and a few inches! Yay! 🎉

Reflecting on the last 44 days, a few takeaways come to mind:

🖤 Be intentional - you have to dedicate the time & energy it'll take to reach your goals.

🤍 Give yourself grace - some days you won't get it done. Other days you'll go all out. It's ok. Just try to do better than you did yesterday but don't dwell on it if you don't.

🖤 Rest. You can't do it all. God even took a day to rest after creating the world and everything in it. You're no good to anyone is you don't take care of yourself with enough sleep, peace, & love.

🤍 Keep your cup full. Stay close to God, his Word, and the people he's surrounded with that pour into you. That's what will keep you going on the days when you feel like you can't.

I know this much is true, I'm continuing to shed weight physically, mentally, & spiritually and it's SHOWING! How can I support you in shedding the unnecessary weight? I'd love to help 🥰